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Health News
[Study] Policies About Opioid May Limit Terminally Ill Patients Access to Pain Management Drugs
The opioid can be misused and abused. But it can relieve the pain of many terminally ill patients. There’s a decreasing trend of opioid prescriptions. But doctors are prescribing their patients less powerful analgesics. They are also non-opioids.
Florida will Release Genetically Modified Mosquitoes — But Why?
The goal of releasing genetically modified mosquitoes is to fight diseases caused by insects. The Role of Genetically Modified Mosquitoes Oxitec, a biotechnology company, is planning to release genetically modified (GM) mosquitoes in the Florida Keys. The technology will fight against dengue fever, a life-threatening disease. It also targets other […]
Covid Vaccine Side Effect: Enlarged Lymph Nodes Mistaken for a Sign of Cancer
Have you received the COVID vaccine yet? If you haven’t, then you might want to be cognizant that there are side effects to it. But just because there are side effects, doesn’t mean that you shall avoid getting shots. The vaccine won’t only protect yourself but also other people around […]
Japan Identified New Coronavirus Variant – What Will Happen to Tokyo Games 2021?
The National Institute of Infection Diseases in Japan said that it found a new coronavirus variant in four passengers coming from Brazil. Is the New Variant the Same as the Strain Found in the UK? The new coronavirus strain may be similar to the variant found in the UK and South Africa. […]
Coronavirus May Be Inactivated by Mouthwash (Study)
The human coronavirus was inactivated by mouthwash according to a recent study conducted by researchers from the Penn State College of Medicine. The results of the study were found in the Journal of Medical Virology.